St. CharLEs borromeo Catholic Church
Hartland, WIThe History
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church was first established in 1863 in Hartland, Wisconsin. After several expansions to the existing church, the parish made a commitment to the future by constructing a new church building to accommodate the growing Catholic community.
St. Charles Borromeo was born a nobleman in Lomabardy, Italy. Charles committed himself to the priesthood, foregoing his prospects as a wealthy Count. Appointed Bishop of Milan by Pope Pius IV, Borromeo became a seminal force in the reform of the Catholic church, both by establishing Seminaries for the proper education of clergy and by his role in the Council of Trent. One crucial element of these reforms addresses church decorating. Borromeo was insistent that church art and architecture should be strictly liturgically based, excluding classical pagan themes.
The Approach
To honor the Italian heritage of Saint Charles Borromeo, the architecture of the new church is Lombard Romanesque, characterized by rounded arches, thick walls and rhythmic ornament. The decoration of the interior, entrusted to Conrad Schmitt Studios, Inc., honors the Saint’s commitment to liturgically-based design, incorporating decorative elements that are meaningful rather than purely aesthetic and using symbols of St. Charles and intentional Bible verses.
One example is Psalm 42, which is stenciled at the base of the apse dome: “As the deer longs for water, my soul longs for you, my God.” The verse is also illustrated in the proscenium mural which features deer, also known as “hart”, and is a nod to the herds that proliferate the countryside of Hartland. Stencils encircling the frieze contain the Borromean Rings from the family’s coat of arms, as well as the Latin word “Humilitas,” noting Humility before God, and also the motto of St. Charles, himself. Symbols representing the Four Evangelists are represented at the four corners of the Crossing ceiling in faux mosaic, ringed by phrases pertinent to the spread of the Gospels.
Six historic stained glass windows, originally created by the Innsbruck Studio in Austria, were salvaged from a church in Michigan, restored, and installed in the new church. Two additional arch windows and one rose window were designed and fabricated by Conrad Schmitt Studios, Inc. to coordinate in color and style with the vintage windows.
The monumental building project took over three years to complete. At the dedication, Archbishop Lisectki, declared the church one of the most beautiful in the Milwaukee Archdiocese. With its tall towers, spacious interior, and mindful decoration, the church will be a meaningful presence and an important resource for the present community and for future generations.
Finished interior of St. Charles
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