Fine Art Fabrication for Others
Fine art fabrication is a unique service provided by the Studio for the production of artwork designed by other artists, be it a small, large or technically difficult project.

When an outside artist or designer is not able, or chooses not to realize the creation of their own design or conception, they can enlist the assistance of fine art fabrication companies.
Conrad Schmitt Studios can be commissioned to bring ideas to life, with the fabrication and installation of the completed project, as the artist has envisioned. Conrad Schmitt Studios has access to the resources, specialized machinery and labor necessary to contribute to the ease and success of simple to complex projects.
Custom Commissioned Art
The artisans and craftspeople at the Studio specialize in transferring the thought and creativity of an artists’ concept into a dimensional sculpture, stained glass window, etched art glass piece, or any number of other art forms requested by the client. The Studio has the experience to offer suggestions and inspiration for your ideas. The possibilities are infinite and the creativity is limited only by your imagination. View other services the Studio offers here.
Fine Art Fabrication Projects: